Naruto Central Shippuden 200 | “Naruto’s Plea”

Naruto Shippuden »

Episode 200

“Naruto’s Plea”

To prevent the cycle of hatred bound to occur should Sasuke be killed, Naruto goes to the Raikage and begs him to forgive Sasuke, but the Raikage quickly dismisses the request.

Naruto Central 529 | Golden Bonds

Naruto senses a disturbance…


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Naruto Centrals Manga 529 Raw Spoiler

credits spacecat and BA


Brief translation.

Naruto is training with Bee. Naruto realizes the abnormality outside.

Word spreads in the HQ that Kinkaku has turned Bijuu. To suppress him, they need the last treasure. That thing (can't read the pot's name... something with "Amber (Kohaku)") is under Raikage's possession. The sacred treasure is sent to the battlefield using telepathy by Raikage's secretary.

Ino, Shikamaru, Chouji joins the battle. Chouji uses Nikudan-sensha on Kinkaku. Shikamaru uses Kagemane, but gets pulled because Kinkaku was too strong. Ino uses Shintenshin. Darui calls Kinkaku's name, to which Ino inside Kinkaku responds "YES!". Ino returns to her body. Kinkaku gets pulled into the pot.

Raikage's secretary's name is Mabui (meaning "bright" or "dazzling"... another pun). Her jutsu is physical transportation of things at the speed of light.

776 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2011/02/23(水) 19:25:32.67 ID:u7FbupKBO




現場にシカ イノ チョウジも増援
シカ 影真似するも、金閣の力が強くて弾かれる
ダルイが 金閣!と呼び
金閣の中のイノが はい!と返事をして 瓶の中にはいる直前にイノは自分の身体へ。
Chapter 529
Chapter cover-It's of Darui
Chapter title-The Storm Clouds Have Vanished
Status: Prediction
by: Killer Zylos Wolf

Chapter starts off with Kinkaku looking scary. Darui doesn't know what to do.
Scene changes to Kankuro. Everyone who was with him before is now dead. He was able to escape but lost Deidara. He then goes off.

Scene changes to Kurotsuchi. She's fighting the Zetsus along with Karui and some unnamed people.
Scene changes back to Darui, he's losing. He is about to be finished until Kitsuchi comes out of nowhere and saves him. Darui smirks and says it's about time they got there. With Kitsuchi is Shino, Neji, Hinata, Kiba, Hana, and unnamed people. Hinata notices Hiashi and Hizashi battling, she tells Neji. Kitsuchi tells everyone in his division to spread out and help take down the Edo Tensei and Zetsus.

Neji and Hinata go where Hiashi and Hizashi are, the tension in the air is thick. Some words are exchanged.

iba and Hana go over to where Chouza and Tenten are, who are fighting against Asuma and Dan, Asuma asks Kiba how's he's doing, Kiba makes a joke and Asuma laughs, Kiba gets serious and tells Asuma that Shikimaru and the others are doing well too, Asuma smiles and says that he wish he could see them now.

Shino sticks around with Kitsuchi. Kitsuchi tells Shino to get ready to use the sealing jutsu.
Side text-Kitsuchi and Shino have a plan, but will it work?

Chapter ends
Chapter 529 Prediction:
by: Tyrannos

Kyuubi Kinkaku goes on a rampage and attacks Darui with the extended claws, but he avoids. Darui realizes that the Kyuubi's chakra is coming from another of the mystical tools and attempts to disarm him, to no avail. And he doesn't have the chakra to use the tools he got.

Naruto Central 528: More Than “Dull”

Naruto Manga Chapter 528: More

Than “Dull”


General Daui puts up a heroic fight in a psychological battle….


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Click on the Image to Read the latest chapter of Naruto

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Naruto Shippuden 199: Enter the Five Kage

Naruto Shippuden »

Episode 199

“Enter the Five Kage!”

Kage from each nation set out to attend the Five Kage Summit.


Naruto Shippuden Episode 56 English Dub

Squirming; Naruto and his clones continue to work on chakra nature manipulation by slicing leaves. After some struggling, Naruto approaches Asuma, who is also a wind type, for advice. After which, Naruto is subsequently able to slice a leaf in half. Asuma and Yamato then head out with their teams on new missions. It is revealed that Asuma is the Third Hokage’s son and that he is in a relationship with Kurenai. Meanwhile, on a hill overlooking a burnt village, four cloaked figures discuss the awakening of the Fire Country by eliminating the Leaf Village.

Tags: Naruto shippuden 56, Naruto Shippuden episode 56, Naruto Shippuden 56 streaming and naruto shippuden 56 sub english.

Naruto Centrals Manga 528 Spoiler

Full scrip from ohana


七星剣には だるい文字が…

ダルイ (おれのNGワード… 一生で一番多く口にした言葉はおそらく”だるい”だ それを口にしなければ … あのひょうたんに吸い込まれる事はない サムイさんは何も口にしてないのに吸い込まれた この事からし ておそらくーー)

528 「だるい」を超えて

ダルイ 一定期間黙っていても吸い込まれてしまう…違うか?
銀 よく気付いたな…ここまではバレてなかったみてーだが…なかなかやる
ダルイ 沈黙は金なんてよく言えたもんだ…ったく
銀 雄弁は金って事もある!騙してなんぼの弁舌だ!ここで言うなら沈黙は禁ってな!ハハハ だから言ったろ !言葉なんてのは人を騙すための忍具だってな 忍の世では騙しあい 裏切りも立派な戦術…言葉 も忍具だ
ダルイ そんなんだから… 雲隠れでアンタ達は不名誉の象徴なのさ
銀 なんだとこの三下銅ヤロー!お前はしょせん雷影の駒でこの忍具の類似品みてーなもんだ!ただの忍具だ! ほざくな甘ちゃんが!ったく今時の忍は何様だ!?

ダルイ すみません… 護衛に選ばれていながらボスの左腕を…
雷影 お前が気にするころではない…
ダルイ しかし…
雷影 … 左腕に未練などない なぜならワシは右腕を二つ持っておるからな
ダルイ 二つ?
雷影 うむ…これとーーー
雷影人差し指でダルイを指しながら お前だ
ダルイ どうせならシーもいれて三つってのはどうスか?
雷影 まあ…いいだろう 多いに越したことは無い

ダルイ オレはボスの右腕だ 類似品じゃねエ!
金 おい銀角
銀 何だ金角?
金 ベニヒサゴを構えろ
銀 !
ダルイ (何で!?”だるい”とは言ってない…)!! (オレはボスの右腕だ 類似じゃねエ!)だ類… し まった!!

七星剣には だるいの文字

(雷影 お前には連合の部隊長をやってもらいたい ワシの右腕としてな)
ダルイ すみませんボス… すみません…サムイさん…アツイ すみません皆…
金 そろそろあっちへ(戦場)乗り込むぞ銀角
銀角 おうよ金角!
銀角の背後から音 振り返る銀角と同時にダルイが斬りかかる ふっとぶ銀角 ダルイ金角にも斬りかかる ぶ っ飛ぶ金角
銀角 !!? なんで!? (しまったコウキンジョウに当たっちまった) なぜ…

七星剣には すみませんの文字が浮かびあがってる
ダルイ走り出し 七星剣とひょうたんを取る
ダルイ オレは意外とーー(机とか壁とか…すみませんね 金角銀角さまに恥をかかせてすみません すみませ んサムイさん  謙虚な奴だったって事か… 悪くねえ!)
金角 (確かに”だるい”だった…! 吸い込んでる最中に一番おおく口にした言葉が二番目の言葉と入れ替わ ったと言うのか?)
ダルイ 刀を金角に投げる
金 !! 刀を交わす !!
ダルイ 呪え 七星剣 録音しろベニヒサゴ 確かこんな感じだったか…
銀 てめえ!
ダルイ !!?
ダルイ へたれこんでしまう
ダルイ くっ すっげーチャクラとられんな…これ… こっちがくたばりそうだぜ…
ダルイ 確かに言葉ってのは嘘つき人を騙すための言葉かもしんねエ けどここぞって時言葉って のはーー
ダルイ、自分の心臓を指し ここん中の誠を伝える大切なもんになる
銀 …助けてくれ… 金角
ダルイ だからこそ アンタは今封印されんのさ
七星剣には キンカク と書かれている

ダルイ (サムイさん アツイ アンタ達のおかげだ… あとで必ず助けだす!)さて…あとはも う一方の…!

いきなり砂埃が舞う 人が舞う
ダルイ !! 何だ!? おいおいおい!!! こ…これじゃまるで…
金角 尾獣化(尾6本) きさまよくも銀角を ヴヴ…!
ダルイ 九尾の人柱力じゃないか!?
カクズ!! 金角がああなるのは久しぶりに見るな つまり…銀角はやられたのか
金角 ヴオオオオオオ!!!

まさかの尾獣化… 戦場荒れる!!

Credits: Ohana
Verification: Confirmed
Trans: Saladesu
繋ぎあわせて『ダ類』に。ダルイひょうたんに吸い込まれる~ 直前で『すいません~』『すいません~~』
ダルイ、吸い込まれずに済み、ギンカクに切り掛かり、ギンカクコウキンジョウにぶつかる。ダルイ7星剣と、 ひょうたん奪う。
No info on Hanta (TN: I’m sorry, is there a character called Hanta? I’m forgetful. I think she might be talking about HunterxHunter but I’m not sure). I have only browsed through (the magazine).
Darui realizes that he can’t stay silent the whole time either.
So he talks about various things.
He remembers his convo with the Raikage. In that convo, the word “similarity” (ruiji) comes up.
Joining them together he gets the word “Da-rui” (TN: “rui” means type). Right before he gets sucked into the gourd he keeps saying “Sorry, sorry”
Instead of saying “darui” (TN: dull) repeatedly, he says “sorry” instead.
Darui doesn’t get sucked into the gourd, he slashes at Ginkaku who then slams into Koukinjou. Darui steals the seven star sword and the gourd.
Ginkaku gets sucked into the gourd.
Kinkaku goes into a rage, and the chapter ends with him turning into Kyuubi-mode.

Darui: "I better get focused on the fight, the less I think and talk the better."
Darui: "So now it's me vs the two of you! Things are not going to be.....this will be interesting!"
Kinkaku: "Watch your tongue, watch you thoughts, you will slip sooner or later kid! Lets go Ginkaku!"
Darui with an angry expression: "You bastards!"
Darui picks up the rope with which the souls are extracted.
Kinkaku: "You don't know how to use that kid, even if you did you've got no chakra."
Darui: "We'll see."
After a fierce fight Darui manages to use the rope on them and use the 7 star sword on them. Now it's the question of who will say their favorite word first.
Ginkaku: "Hahaha. This is interesting. Well what now?"
Darui (thinking): "I'm almost out of chakra, I need to make these two talk about things."
Darui: "The two of you are really strong. You are stronger than me and people expect me to be raikage one day."
Ginkaku: "Yeah, for sure."
Kinkaku: "Shut up, can't you see he's done. He's trying to trick us into talking."
Darui: "So whats your favorite food?"
Kinkaku: "Haha, you're funny. Your jokes are funny kid."
Darui: "I don't need to talk with you to win. You two are piss weak. I think I'll just blast you with my laser element like I already did a couple of time."
Ginkaku: "You have no chakra! You are so weak! You a raikage?"
Ginkaku gets sealed.
Darui: "haha what a moron."
Kinkaku: "You bastard! Brother!"
Kinkaku gets sealed.
Darui: "So even a monster like you cared for his brother. Now what? If only I could get Samui and her brother out somehow?"

Naruto 527: Secret Word

Naruto Manga Chapter 527: Secret Word released by Mangastream Binktopia.

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Naruto Shippuden 198: Five Kage Summit's Eve

Naruto Shippuden » Episode 198

“Five Kage Summit's Eve”

Karui and Omoi of the Hidden Cloud press Naruto to give information regarding Sasuke. Naruto realizes they’re motivated by wanting to save their captured master, but decides he cannot sell out his friend. Instead, Naruto offers himself as a punching bag for Karui and Omoi to abuse to their hearts’ content.


Naruto Shippuden 197: The Sixth Hokage Danzo

Naruto Shippuden » Episode 197

“The Sixth Hokage Danzo”

Team Samui of the Hidden Cloud arrive at the Leaf Village and are shocked to find it in ruins. Nonetheless, they carry out their orders to deliver the Raikage’s official letter to the Hokage, when Danzo appears and announces that he is the new Hokage.


Naruto 527 Spoiler

Full scrip from Ohana

527 NGワード
銀 大先輩への口のききかたが気にいらねーな… すぐ黙らせてやる
金 仕方ねエ…どうやら随分と時が経ってる… 同胞でもオレ達の事を知らねーんだからよ
ダルイ サムイさん… アツイ…
サムイ アナタ達が書物に出てくる本物の金角銀角なら同胞よばわりされたくないわね クールじ ゃないわ
アツイ おお…!いつになくクールな姉ちゃんが熱いじゃねーのよ!相当な奴らとみた!
金 やるぞ銀角
銀 おうよ金角!
サムイ 間違いない…書物にあったあれが金角銀角兄弟の忍具!
人をしばり言霊を追い出す”愰金縄”(こうきんじょう)(字が違うかも。潰れてて見えない)! 言霊を斬っ て呪う”七星剣”! 言霊を録音し人を封じる”紅ヒサゴ”(ひょうたん)! 火水雷風土全ての性質を巻き起 こせる”芭蕉扇”!
アツイ ここはオレに!!
アツイ 雲流 火炎斬り!!
アツイ ぎょうぎょうしい忍具みてーだが しょせん道具! オレ達の魂こもった熱い忍術にゃかなわねーぜ! !
サムイ アツイ待ちな!クールに話しを最後まで…!
ダルイ チイ…!熱すぎる!
銀 どいつもこいつんもよく喋る… いいねえ… オレは一番後ろの奴をやる!
ツナデ 落ち着け雷影 お前は総大将だぞ
雷影 …お前は金銀兄弟の恐さをしらんからだ 奴らは雲隠れの歴史において最悪の大罪人だ かつて木の葉と 同盟を結ぶ儀礼式の際 クーデターを起こして二代目雷影を二代目火影を騙し討ちした
ツナデ 六道仙人の宝具と呼ばれる五つの忍具を操り 二代目火影を瀕死に追い込んだことまではしってるが… 九尾のチャクラ…それを持っているとは聞いてなかった…
雷影 昔… 一度雲隠れが九尾を捉えようとした事があったそうだ その時九尾に食われたのが金銀兄弟らしい だが腹の中で暴れ続ける二人にたまりかねた九尾は口から二人を吐きだしたそうだ
それ以後二人は九尾のチャクラを宿してしまった なんせ二週間も九尾の腹にいたそうだ
ツナデ 信じがたい話だな
雷影 宝具はただの人間には扱えぬ… アレらを扱うと大量のチャクラを吸い取られ普通のものは死ぬ 九尾の チャクラを宿したバケモノのような輩以外はな
アツイ くそ!!
金 フン!
サムイ (しまった!!)
ダルイ アツイ!サムイさん!大丈夫か!?
銀角 よそ見してんじゃねーぞ!ガキ!
銀角 交代だ金角!!
金角 了解だ銀角!!
アツイ なかなか熱いパンチだぜ!今度は銀角のおっさんのほうか!
銀角 しぼり出せ コウキンジョウ!!
アツイ !?ぷ ええええ~~~~
ダルイ (なんだありゃ!?)
金角 この左手のコウキンジョウは触れた奴の言霊をしばり出す!
銀角 呪え 七星剣!!
七星剣には あつい クールという言葉が浮で出る
銀角 録音しろ!ベニヒサゴ!!
あつい クールという言霊をベニヒサゴ(ひょうたん)に飛ばす
銀角 さて…こっちはおわったぜ 金角
アツイ は!?何いってんだてめーは!!今度はこっちの番だ
サムイ (やられた…)
アツイ あつ…
サムイ 話を最後まで聞きなって言ったでしょ!いい…?これからうかつに喋らないこと
アツイ !?
ダルイ どういう事だ!?
サムイ 私達は呪印術と封印術にかけらた… 言霊を人質に取られたのよ 生まれて今までで”一番多く口にし た言葉”を言ってしまうと… あのひょうたんの中へ吸い込まれてしまう
銀角 よく知ってんじゃねーか 時代が経って色々バレちまってるみてーだな
銀角、金角に七星剣を投げる 金角、七星剣に書かれた文字を確認
ダルイ …一番多く口にした言葉がタブーだと…!?NGワードでゲームしてんじゃねーんだぞ… だるい事し やがって!
金角 (芭蕉扇 火の巻き)
アツイ (何だ!?オレの一番多く口にした言葉って いったい何なんだア~~~!!?)
サムイ お前は考えなくても大体解るだろ…たぶん…
ダルイ !!
アツイ !!
サムイ くっ!
アツイ あ…あつい!!
銀角 にやりと笑う
サムイ バ…バカ!
サムイ アツイ!!
ダルイ チイ!
金角 昔からこう言う ”沈黙は金”とな 口は災いのもとだ… なあ銀角
銀角 ああ金角!ペラペラ喋ってるちこうなる… 言葉なんてのは嘘で人をだます為の道具だ
ダルイ …言葉をバカにすっとビーさんに怒られるっスよ…
銀角 ビーだあ?知るかそんな奴! 動けば女は殺す…これは嘘じゃねーぞ!
サムイ、覚悟を決める 目を閉じ涙を浮かべる
ダルイ すいません…サムイさん
金角、ダルイに斬りかかる が ダルイが金角のコウキンジョウを巻いてる左手を斬り落とす
銀角 そうくるよな… さすが雲隠れの忍だ二人共
ダルイ印を結んで 嵐遁 レイザーサーカス!!
銀角 (速い… しかも誘導忍術か!?) レイザーサーカスが銀角に当たりサムイが離れる 斬った金角の腕 がダルイに当たる
銀角 いててて… (金角のやつ コウキンジョウをうまく当てたな)
銀角 まずはこっちだな
ダルイ !?(どういう事だ?何も言ってないのにサムイさんが吸い込まれた…!?)
金角 呪え七星剣!!
ダルイ (腕がもう再生してやがる…!!)
銀角 録音しろベニヒサゴ!!
ダルイ ハアハア(オレのNGワードは大体想像できる)
七星剣には だるい の文字が浮き出る




Credits: Ohana
Trans: shounensuki
アツイが アツイ…って言ってて笑ったわ
今回は金角銀角VSダルイ サムイ アツイ
Samui and Atsui are sent to Darui as reinforcements
Kinkaku can use a technique with his gourd to steal his opponents’ souls
While recording speech, the person recording the speech is sucked up
Atsui is male and has a slight resemblance to C
Gaara and the Tsuchikage aren’t setting out
This time it’s Kinkaku and Ginkaku vs. Darui, Samui, and Atsui



Ginkaku: Look at this cocky bastard.
Kinkaku: Reminds me of that guy that killed us.
Darui: Storm Release: Thunder Cloud.
Ginkaku and Kinkaku jump over the cloud.
Ginkaku: Come on, kid. You don't think we knew about that jutsu. You can do better than that.
Darui: Well hows this. Storm Release: Cloud Clone Jutsu!
Dozens of Kage Bunshins come at the brothers.
Gin & Kin: What the...!?
Hiashi: So many Kage Bunshins. I thought Naruto-kun was the only one who could make that many.
Cloud Shinobi: If he was using his own chakra he wouldn't be able to make so many. In fact, he has below average chakra. He was the first to truly master Storm Release. He uses almost no chakra in his jutsu, because he can harness the powers of nature itself!
Darui: Water Release: Water Wall Jutsu!
Water engulfs Gin & Kin.
Black lightning courses through the wall of water.
Cut to Muu.
Muu: !? O...Onoki!?
Kabuto: Fu fu fu. It seems that the Third Tsuchikage-sama has come to the front line. Well, I have a little surprise for him. Thank you, Sakura-san, for leaving this where I could easily find it.
Second Muzikage: Who the Hell is Onoki?
Fourth Kazekage: Idiot, did you know nothing about your own rival? Onoki-sama is the Third Tsuchikage and was Muu-sama's student.
Third Raikage: Yes. He was the only other person to master Dust Release.
Second Muzikage: Wow! I don't know who did this but I like him already. What would be a worse fate for Muu than to have to kill his own student.
Muu: I wouldn't expect you to understand the bonds others share, murder of First Mizukage-sama.
Second Muzikage: WHAT? No one was able to connect me with that.
Three coffins rise out of the ground.
Fourth Kazekage: More dead fools that what nothing more than to bicker?
Gaara: !?
Onoki: What is it, young man. Spit it out.
Gaara: They just summoned three more people and they all have insanely high levels of chakra.
Onoki: That's Muu-sama for you. He must have sensed our numbers and caught me here. Who are they.
Gaara: I'm checking right now. One is an old man with red hair. He's wearing some sort of faceplate.
Onoki: That sounds like Roshi-sama. He was the Jinchuriki for the Four Tails.
Gaara: And the other two are...
Fourth Kazekage: Master?
Gaara: The Third Kazekage and the previous Jinchuriki of the One Tail.
Onoki: Well...those are long range fighters...this is going to be tough.
Gaara: Everyone prepare to fall back. Shikamaru, take your half of the Division to back up Durai when I give the order.
Shikamaru: Roger!
Onoki: Tell me, Gaara-sama...this Naruto he really all that? Is he really worth what this will no doubt cost you?
Gaara: No. He's worth ten time more than this will cost me.
Onoki: Well...well. No way I'm going to let myself die here and miss the chance of meeting that guy now.



chapter 527 prediction: Kakashi's battle

Kakashi's division defeats and seals all the edo golems. It was a battle so fierce, so grand, that only those that have been there and have seen the battle with their own eyes would have known of the skill that copy ninja Hatake Kakashi displayed that day.
Kakashi: "Good job team."
Sakura (thinking): "I never knew Kakashi was this strong."
Kakashi: "Omoi, you showed great skill with a blade before. You can choose one of the swords we took from the 7 swordsmen if you want to."
Omoi: "Thx, I'll take......(the hammer looks strong but what if it's to heavy, I don't know how to use that sword.......)"
Mist ninja: "Those swords belong to the Mist village, general Kakashi!"
Kakashi: "I will give them back after this war is over, you have my word. Sai, are we ready to go?"
Sai: "All the golems are safely sealed. We can proceed with the mission."
Kakashi: "All right now, everyone listen! Sai, Omoi and myself will separate from this division and go meet with the ambush squad. Gai is the new commander of this division and he will lead you back to meet with Darui's division. The enemy is now mostly there so we have to return."
Sakura: "The three of you will go alone? That is crazy, at least bring more ninjas with you."
Kakashi: "We are going to infiltrate the enemy base by stealth, so the numbers are not needed, in fact it's better if we go alone."
Sakura: "You might need a medic. I'm coming with you."
Kakashi: "No you are not. You will be needed here, stay in this division and help here."
Sakura lowers her head.
Kakashi: "I'm sorry. I think you are a great medic ninja, but we don't need a medic ninja...because we are going on a suicide mission."
Sakura: "What?"
Kakashi: "Don't tell anyone. It's not completely hopeless, but if we encounter a serious enemy then our chances of survival will be very low, medic or not. I am sorry if I was ever arrogant or wasn't there when you needed me."
Sakura: "And that's it? You say you are going to die like it's nothing!"
Kakashi: "We'll do our best to come back alive. You should be concerned about yourself at this moment because you are also going to risk your life soon. I have one last advice for you, even though I haven't been much of a sensei, don't take your friends or your comrades for granted. I think you will be an amazing kunoichi, and you already are."
Omoi: "I'll keep my sword, I am not familiar with any of these."
Kakashi: "Wise decision. I forgot not everyone has the luxury of copying the 7 swordsmen style with their sharingan."
Kakashi, Sai and Omoi go forward to destroy the enemy base while Gai leads the division back, what fate awaits them?



Kinkaku: "We're sorry kid, but it looks like this is your last battle."
Kinkaku and Ginkaku charge at Darui, Darui jumps and swings his sword at one of them but Kinkaku blocks it with his hand. Kinkaku's hand that blocked the sword gets covered in kyuubis chakra.
Kinkaku: "This is our partial kyubi chakra cloak ability, our hides are hard to break through."
Kinkaku grabs the sword with his hand. Darui releases his hold on the sword and jumps away by pushing himself of the sword.
Darui (does hand seals): "Storm release jutsu!"
The water around them starts to rise in pillars. Darui sends electrical discharge into the water. Lightning bolts start to dance around the water pillars and the water starts to boil.
Darui: "I'll use the water to prolong my lightning attack, this jutsu will last a while, as long as there's water around."
Kinkaku and Ginkaku get caught and paralyzed with electricity.
Meanwhile Kakuzu at the other side of the field notices Darui.
Kakuzu: "Haha, a lightning and a water user, his heart will be useful to me." (Kakuzu drops a guy he was killing and turns to face Darui)
Meanwhile Kankuro gets ready to retreat.
Kankuro: "Now!"
Kankuro's team takes the container with Deidara and starts running, Kankuro throws smoke bombs.
Kabuto (controlling the golems from afar): "You guys are not going anywhere."
Chiyo, Hanzo, Kimimaru and that other golem run after them. Kankuro retreats, but he runs backwards while he controls the Sasori puppet to fire at the zombies.
Kankuro: "You guys go ahead, don't let them get a hold of Deidara!"
Kimimaro runs beside Kankuro, but doesn't attack him.
Kankuro: "They are going for the container with Deidara?"
Chiyo attaches her strings to Sasori puppet and blocks it's actions.
Kankuro: "Shit, this isn't good!"
Hanzo does a water cannon attack on Kankuro. Kankuro releases the puppet and jumps down from a tree while the water cannon blasts a couple of trees but misses him. Chiyo with Sasori puppet, Hanzo and that other guy jump down and face Kankuro.
Kankuro: "I'm sorry it has come to this, granny Chiyo."
Kankuro opens his scroll and summons a couple of puppets.
Kankuro: "At least I'll be able to show you ... a puppet I created my self, my ultimate creation."
Darui (holding a hand seal): "I'll increase my lightning release and turn these two to dust, then I can seal them before they regenerate."
Kakuzu grabs Darui with his tentacles which forces Darui to release the seal. Darui grabs Kakuzus tentacles and electrocutes him which breaks Kakuzus hold on him. Darui jumps away to have all three facing him. Now Darui faces Kinkaku, Ginkaku and Kakuzu. What he gonna do now????

Naruto 526: Darui's Squad Leaps into Battle

Read the latest Chapter of Naruto 526: Darui's Squad Leaps into Battle! released by Mangastream Binktopia:




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