Naruto Chapter 579 Raw Prediction by BringerOfChaos

Naruto Chapter 579 prediction
Title: Kabuto plan. What fate lies ahead of Sasuke.

*Chapter starts with Sasuke and Itachi facing Kabuto*

Itachi: Sasuke we use genjutsu together

Sasuke: Right

Itachi and Sasuke: Double Tsukiyomi 

*Kabuto slowly claps his hands.*


Sasuke: How did you!

Kabuto: I am immune to all sharingan techniques. Even the Mangekyou sharingan techniques.

Itachi: Sasuke!

Sasuke: Eternal Mangekyou sharingan

Kabuto:!!!! Interesting

Anko:ugh ahh[Meaning she is starting to regain some conciousness.]

Scene switches to Kage fight.

*Gaara makes a giant sand Tsunami*

Gaara: I shall not lose this battle!

*The sand tsunami goes straight to the clones but it is not shown if it hits as it switches to a other Kage*

*A is going V2*

A:Madara you dare test my anger!

*A takes off his robe and goes straight for the clones but again it shifts to a other Kage*

*Scene goes to the Mei*

Mei: I assure you one thing Madara. This battle will end one way and trust me. We wont die!

*Mei spits out acid mist though the scene shifts to a other kage.*

*Scene goes to Onoki*

Onoki: Lets end this now!

*Onoki charges a jinton but scene switches to Tsunade*

Tsunade: See Madara! Your foolish arrogance and power cant make are will wither away! I am just getting started!

*Tsunade draws some blood from her wound. She then summons Katsuyu. Tsunade is seen standing on top of Katsuyu with the wind blowing on her. She then takes off her jacket and then jumps of Katsuyu going for a sky drop kick*

*Back to Sasuke and Itachi*

Kabuto: I get it now. You still did not master the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. 

Sasuke: Shut up!

*Sasuke rushes Kabuto*

Itachi: Sasuke dont 

Kabuto: Kukukuku

*A kunai appears behind Kabuto neck.*

Anko: You thought I was dead didn't you! 

Kabuto: Anko you should not be playing with those toys. Your stregnth is a mere cry against mine

*The ass snake surprises Anko and wraps around her neck and lifts her in the air*

Anko:[Sh..shit cant breathe]

Itachi:Damn it I have to save her.

Next chapter: The will that cant be broken.

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